A Dictionary Full of Choices

I always find it particularly overwhelming when it comes to selecting a name for a brand. There is so much to consider when naming a product. I wanted to leave selecting a name until I had a solid idea of the purpose of the product and it’s functions. Having done so, I have already narrowed down my options and it definitely gives me a place to begin my search for a name.

Reflecting on my Product

Before I started to mind map out ideas for the name, I wanted to focus on truly defining the purpose of my app and picking out some key descriptor words in relation to it. I intended to use these descriptor words to guide me to pick a name.

Words to Describe My Product:

These descriptors will form the basis of my exploration for a brand name. These will also be useful when I am deciphering brand values as these essentially are the values of the brand.


I created a mind map exploring these descriptors and finding many synonyms and relevant words. I focused on selecting single words which could without doubt be used for a the name of a brand. When I am naming a brand, I quite like to use a real word rather than an abstract word, as I find it grounds the brand in a stronger meaning.


Out of this exploration I found 4 suitable names which I could carry forward into the brand. These are: unify, keep, key and vital. While any of these would be suitable names, I really like the name ‘vital’. I feel as though it sounds really well, especially in a health context.