In the interfaces I am creating for this app, something most important to me is accessibility. This can manifest in numerous ways, however I think that large button sizes is particularly important on touch screens. I created an array of button sizes, but even my smallest were still of an accessible size.
I wanted responsive elements to all of my clickable components. This was easier for plain buttons, however I found creating responsive elements for the illustrated home screen components quite difficult. I had to alter the colours of some of the illustrations in their ‘while pressing’ state in order to keep the illustration legible while still including responsive elements.
I also found it quite challenging making my table components responsive. I had to do this in stages, initially prototyping each row to be responsive when pressed, then I arranged them into a card and made the card scrollable. It took a lot of trial and error but I feel I made prototyped components that are effective in explaining the interactions for the prototype.