When considering my UX design practice throughout my past projects, I find that it is an area I have a keen interest in. I always have tried my best to base any project I do in a solid grounding of UX planning through a variety of tools such as user journeys or user personas to name a few. Sometimes these tools can feel like box ticking exercises but I have began to develop more of an awareness of what tool is most applicable and serving to a project. I feel that I have shaped my design practice in a very human centred way and have built a great foundation of knowledge for further exploration of this practice in this module.
I want to really push myself to develop an even deeper and well rounded understanding of UX design and the many ways in which it can occupy a final project. This project will allow me to dedicate a lot of focus and time to user research and UX planning which is something that I am very excited about. I feel that user research will play a key part in the success of this project. When considering the double diamond design approach, I want to diverge as wide as I possibly can in the time frame. Health is a very wide area to cover, and admittedly some stones will be left unturned. However, I want to follow as many leads as possible and feel that I converge at an appropriate time after a considerable amount of varied exploration.
I intend for the final outcome of this project will be very user centric in it’s nature. I am very interested in service design and it is something I would like to explore in this project and perhaps bring into a final outcome. I would even consider an outcome that has a few touch points, perhaps an app and an aspect of service design. I want this project to feel industry standard which will only be achieved through research of what is currently being produced by designers in the healthcare sphere.