I found the process of converting my sketches to digital rather easy as I felt that I had a strong idea of the way I wanted it to look. Naturally, when I got it onto screen I made some changes to make better use of the screen and so forth.
One thing I really wanted to pay a lot of consideration to was button sizes and an easily navigable UI. I wanted buttons to be on the larger side to accommodate for the various health conditions where small button sizes would be an issue.
<aside> ⭐ REFLECTION: I feel that I have created a UI that is already at this early stage very accessible to everyone. I think the buttons are appropriately sized large and there is good padding around each button so there is no risk of hitting the wrong button and confusing the user. I feel that I need to honour this accessibility when it comes to layering up these UI’s as I don’t want to choose typefaces or colour palettes that will be unaccessible.