Assessing the structure of the essay I had just created, it was time to decide what way the user would navigate this content. I didn’t want it to plainly be an article on a page. I wanted there to be a certain structure and someone micro interactions and CTA to make it less of a passive reading experience. I began throwing down some ideas below:
I turned this list into a more comprehensive and considered site map. Here I was able to begin to decide what interactions I would have to navigate the content.
I then created a site map of the prototype I was going to create for this project. I don’t really have any intentions of fleshing out the archive and favourites section due to the time constrains I am under and how large of an undertaking it is with the graphic essay. It’s more just to frame the essay and to contextualise it within a brand.
I progressed onto sketching what I want the initial three screens before the infographic essay to look like. I wanted to get these right as they will be the initial impression on the prototype.