Using a New Software

During an industry talk, I was made aware of Whimsical, a wireframing tool. I thought I would try it out for this project to try and expand my skills further. The exported version is hard to read so follow the link below to view my wireframing in more detail. I really enjoyed using whimsical as it is very intuitive to use and allowed me to plan out my content with ease.

SDG Wireframe

SDG Wireframe.png

<aside> ⭐ REFLECTION: I feel my vision of what this infographic essay is going to be is becoming more refined and specific with each step in the design process. I am glad that I have a definitive number of illustrations that I now know I need to create rather than just illustrating aimlessly. I also have established at what points between the text my illustrations will be, so I can base them more closely on whatever point of the essay I am at.
