Accessible Design is Inclusive Design

What is Accessibility? — updated 2024

This week’s lecture was about accessible design. This design methodology highly values inclusivity and is driven by the objective to create products, experiences, and services that can be effectively utilised by a broad spectrum of users.

Principles of Accessible Design

The underlying principle of accessible design is the recognition of exclusion. It's important to understand that diverse user experiences offer a wealth of knowledge and insights that can be leveraged to create more inclusive solutions. Exclusion is often an unconscious outcome when problem-solving is heavily influenced by personal biases. Therefore, it's crucial to constantly challenge our perspectives and assumptions to avoid this pitfall.

An important philosophical viewpoint that guides inclusive design is the belief that disability is a societal construct, rather than an attribute of the individual. This perspective shifts the onus of accessibility from the user to the design and the broader societal systems. As technology continues to evolve and become more mobile, we need to recognise that these advancements often create increased instances of disability due to the complexity or inaccessibility of certain features.

Accessibility Heuristics

Heuristics and Accessibility | DubBot

Accessible design is a multifaceted discipline that encompasses various factors, starting from interaction methods and modalities. This includes considering different ways users might interact with a product, like using touch, voice, or assistive technologies. Navigation and way finding are vital, as clear and intuitive paths can greatly enhance a user's experience.

The structure and semantics of a design also play a crucial role, requiring the information architecture to be logical and clear. This is closely linked with error prevention and states, where good design can prevent mistakes, and clear error states can guide users when they do occur.

Visual factors, such as contrast and legibility, affect how easily users can consume content, while language and readability considerations ensure the content is understandable. Predictability and consistency across a product provide a sense of familiarity for users, while careful timing and presentation of content can greatly enhance usability.

Furthermore, designers need to be cautious about potential issues related to movement and flashing elements, which can be problematic for users with certain conditions. Providing visual and auditory alternatives is a key strategy to ensure content is accessible to all.

AI and Inclusive Design

Unpacking the Role of Inclusive Design in AI

The application of data analysis, natural language processing, and machine learning are integral parts of accessible design, aiding in understanding user needs and preferences, automating tasks, and personalising experiences. Accessibility testing is a critical step to ensure a product's design truly caters to a diverse user base.

Nevertheless, the concept of AI not being inclusive because we, as designers and developers, are not, is a significant hurdle that needs to be addressed. The Design in Tech report further explores this issue, providing deeper insights into the current state of AI's inclusivity and the challenges it presents in the broader context of accessible design.

<aside> ⭐ REFLECTION: I feel very passionate about accessibility in design and I have done for quite a while now. I really resonate with the fact that accessible design is inclusive design. It really irks me when I see UI’s with unaccessible colour contrasts in particular as it is just as easy to design around an inclusive colour contrast as it is to not do this. Looking towards my project, it is of utmost importance to me that my app is accessible. This is because there is a broad range of users interacting with my product, and especially being a health app it is so important that this is usable for all.
